St. Joseph’s College, Wattala is a Catholic College which is a Branch School of St. Joseph’s College, Colombo 10. It shares the character, rich traditions and the high ideals of this century old oasis of wisdom situated in the heart of Colombo. St. Joseph’s College, Wattala strives at its best pace to become a citadel of integral formation and to prepare a perfect people for tomorrow setting its priorities ever intact. Mere 23 years of existence of this College has surpassingly proved a well stabilized forward journey to herald its unparalleled hallmark as seen by this day to many a generation who will embrace it as their haven for knowledge and life formation.
Guided by the life, the teaching and example of our Lord Jesus Christ and inspired by the Josephian Motto - 'Through Knowledge to Virtue', we are conscious of our mission to serve the people of God.
To achieve excellence in education, by making College one of Sri Lanka's. best educational institutions, by fostering education which promotes spiritual and human values, thus producing good citizens, who have the knowledge, skills and aptitudes to serve the community in the public and private sector, in the professions and in self-employment.